If you are a FosterTalk member and would like further information on any of the topics listed, please contact us on 0121 758 5013.
All foster carers receive a foster care allowance to help cover the cost of caring for a child. Carers may get additional payments, depending on:
- if the child has specific needs
- how many children you’re fostering
- your skills and experience
- your fostering service
You may also be able to apply to your fostering service for extra funds to help with school trips, birthdays, holidays and religious festivals.
Contact your fostering service to find out how much you get. You can also view the latest minimum weekly allowances by visiting https://www.gov.uk/support-for-foster-parents/help-with-the-cost-of-fostering
Governments across the UK have made changes to regulations and issued new guidance regarding Covid 19, which affects local authorities and fostering services.
For more information about the rules in your region see below:
- England – https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus
- Wales – https://gov.wales/coronavirus
- Scotland – https://www.gov.scot/coronavirus-covid-19/
- Northern Ireland – https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/coronavirus-covid-19-regulations-and-guidance-what-they-mean-you
- Guernsey – https://covid19.gov.gg/
- Jersey – https://www.gov.je/Health/Coronavirus/pages/index.aspx
- Isle of Man – https://covid19.gov.im/
The latest government advice about coronavirus (Covid-19) for local authorities and their partners to help support and protect vulnerable children can be found here:
The latest Covid 19 guidance for Social workers can be found at:
Actions for schools during Coronavirus
NHS Coronavirus Hub for Young People
Talking about race and racism is not an easy topic to approach. We have created a guide to support you to start the conversation about race inequality, privilege, and to challenge racism.
To accompany this guide, we have also developed a course on cultural competence to empower you to have discussions and continue to be role models for your foster children.
The UK has always been a destination of choice for people fleeing war and persecution and the UK has a long history of welcoming and supporting families and children arriving here. Fostering an unaccompanied young person is one way of helping in this crisis.
More and more refugees are entering the UK with many of the young people coming from Syria, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran. Most are boys aged between 15 and 17, although some are as young as 12. They arrive here alone and are often highly traumatised, with a high proportion suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
You can download our guide to Fostering Unaccompanied Asylum-seeking children and young people below.
In England, all foster carers are required to complete the Training Support and Development Standards within 12 months of becoming approved as a foster carer. The Training, Support and Development (TSD) standards form part of a foster carer’s induction into their role. They provide a national minimum benchmark that sets out what foster carers should know, understand and be able to do within the first 12 months after being approved.
More information on the Training Support and Development Standards can be found here:
You can also view our training courses on Training, Support and Development standards here.
FosterTalk members can access counselling at any time of the day or night. Simply call us via your membership number (24hrs, 7 days a week) or on 0121 758 5013 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.
Young Minds messenger provides free, 24/7 support across the UK to those experiencing a mental health crisis. If you need urgent help text YM to 85258. All texts are answered by trained volunteers. Texts are free from EE, O2, Vodafone, 3, Virgin Mobile, BT Mobile, GiffGaff, Tesco Mobile and Telecom Plus.
This Parents Helpline for detailed advice, emotional support and signposting about a child or young person up to the age of 25. Call them for free on 0808 802 5544 from 9:30am – 4pm, Mon – Fri. Young Minds also have a Parents Email Service and Parents Webchat. https://www.youngminds.org.uk/parent/parents-helpline-and-webchat
Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. You can contact Mind by calling 0300 123 3393 or visit https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/
FosterTalk members can access our education advisory services by calling 0121 758 5013 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Our friendly advisors will be able to assist you on any queries or concerns you having regarding education for your Foster Children.
BBC Bitesize can help with homework, revision and learning. Find free videos, step-by-step guides, activities and quizzes by level and subject.
From advice on schools admissions through to Special Education provision, visit Fosterline for helpful information and advice https://www.fosterline.info/already-fostering/fostering-and-education/
Fosterline have published a guide on Fostering a Disabled Child or Young Person which is available here https://www.fosterline.info/resource/fostering-a-disabled-child-or-young-person/
The SEND Code of Practice 2014 and the Children and Families Act 2014 gives guidance to health and social care, education and local authorities to make sure that children and young people with SEND are properly supported.
Independent Provider of Special Education Advice (known as IPSEA) offers free and independent legally based information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). https://www.ipsea.org.uk/ehc-needs-assessments
Support for parents and carers of children and young people. https://www.mencap.org.uk/advice-and-support/children-and-young-people/support-parents-and-carers-children-and-young-people
For families and cares with disabled children https://contact.org.uk/
Disability living allowance for children
If you would like to learn more about how to keep children safe online, our Internet Safety training course introduces the key elements of internet safety measures to foster carers and how to apply them effectively. Click here to book online and view our latest course dates.
Young Minds have a guide on how to talk to children about gaming and staying safe online.
Internet Matters is an online portal which provides expert support and practical tips to help children benefit from connected technology and the internet safely and smartly. https://www.internetmatters.org/
The UK council for internet safety has published, Child Safety Online: A practical guide for parents and carers whose children are using social media. Click here to view
Learning how to stay safe online has never been more important. More teens than ever are using social media daily, engaging in activities ranging from learning to socialising, gaming to shopping. Take a look for vital information on how you can support the young people in your care:
Foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) are a group of conditions caused by pre-natal exposure to alcohol.
National FASD provides support to people affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), their families and communities; campaigns to raise public awareness; and promotes relevant policies and practices.
FASD Network UK provide training, consultancy, and advocacy services in order to raise awareness of FASD and to provide input about service and support requirements.
Homes for Ukraine Scheme
The Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, Michael Gove, has launched a webpage for sponsors to record their interest, ahead of Phase One of the scheme opening for applications on Friday 18th March.
The Homes for Ukraine scheme will allow individuals, charities, community groups and businesses in the UK to bring Ukrainians to safety – including those with no family ties to the UK.
Phase One of the scheme will allow sponsors in the UK to nominate a named Ukrainian or a named Ukrainian family to stay with them in their home or in a separate property.
If you would like to register your interest, please visit the website: https://homesforukraine.campaign.gov.uk/
Apply for a Ukraine Family Scheme visa
Guidance for family members of British nationals, UK settled persons and certain others to come to or stay in the UK under the Ukraine Family Scheme.
UK visa support for Ukrainian nationals
Guidance on support available to Ukrainian nationals and their family members.
The IRM provide independent panels that review suitability to adopt or foster and other decisions made by adoption and fostering providers.
Further information about the Independent Review Mechanism can be found below:
The Independent Review Mechanism: England
Telephone: 0845 450 3956 (charged at local rate)
Telephone: 0113 202 2080
E-mail: irm@irm.org.uk
IRM website www.gov.uk/government/organisations/independent-review-mechanism
The Independent Review Mechanism: Wales
Telephone: (029) 2034 2434
E-mail: Fiona.probert@childreninwales.org.uk
IRM Cymru Website: https://irm.cymru/
There is no IRM in Scotland. There is no IRM in Northern Ireland.