Children’s welfare and fostering are regulated sectors, so it is worth knowing a little about some of the laws and guidance given to fostering services, to ensure the children and young people you care for are receiving the support they are entitled to. It is especially important for foster carers and friends & family carers, to understand the regulations specifically written about them, to ensure they meet the expectations within the law regarding their care of looked after children. In addition, fostering services have their own policies and procedures which they will have written in accordance with the relevant fostering legislation from the country in which they operate. Carers can request copies of these from their fostering service direct.


Below are links to government websites, where you can search for pieces of fostering legislation and guidance that specifically relate to children in care and fostering in the UK and Crown Dependencies. There will also be accompanying guidance or codes of practice to support the legislation.

We keep our members up-to-date with the latest pieces of fostering legislation or guidance relevant to fostering services via our members magazine and newsletter. Not a member?