Listen to the FosterTalk Podcast, meet our Faces of Foster Care and Share your Views in our polls and surveys
Thank you to all the foster carers who took part in our Cost-of-Living Survey or contacted us directly to share their views, thoughts and feedback.
We received responses from 4,349 foster carers from across the U.K, making this one of the largest foster carer surveys to date.
Usually we’d say ‘we are pleased to present the findings of our survey’ – sadly, the report makes far from pleasing reading.
Our comprehensive and enlightening survey included questions about carers’ finances and debt position as a direct result of the cost-of-living increase, as well as whether their fostering allowances were sufficient to provide adequate care for the children.
Following our national features on BBC4 You and Yours and BBC Look North, FosterTalk’s Rachel Cole was invited to speak on BBC Breaskfast alongside an interview with foster carer, Jakki Willby.
You can read our cost of living blog for the latest updates, media coverage and responses on our report.
While we deliver a national support service to foster carers, due to the location of our business premises, we have unfortunately been unable to raise petitions in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. However, we would encourage any foster carers located in these regions, to copy the recommendations outlined in this petition.

Welcome to the FosterTalk podcast. Sharing the latest news, opinions and real life experiences from across the fostering community.
In our first episode, recorded as a roundtable discussion on zoom, we discuss the current issues surrounding the foster care shortfall and what needs to be done to recruit, retain and support foster carers across the U.K.
Hosted by Rachel Cole, Director of Operations at FosterTalk, and Ruth Willetts, Head of Social Work and Development and our panellists: Alison Kindred Byrne, Jason Brooks, Alasdair G.F Kennedy and Dr Carolyn Blackburn.
To listen on alternative platforms and to find out more about our panellists please click here
Faces of Foster Care highlights the stories of real foster carers across the U.K.
Our instagram page is dedicated solely to sharing your stories of what foster care means to you.
Get involved! Send your story and photo to marketing@fostertalk.org
FosterTalk members can also access our latest magazines, newsletters and FosterTalk Live videos in our members area.