Self-harm among young children

The Guardian reports that analysis of data for BBC Radio 4’s File on 4 programme shows that the number of children aged nine to 12 admitted to hospital in the UK having hurt themselves intentionally rose from 221 in 2013-14 to 508 in 2019-20. A BBC Sounds...

Child vulnerability: call for evidence

The House of Lords Public Services Committee has launched a call for evidence for its second major inquiry looking at the role of public services in addressing child vulnerability. The inquiry will cover how public services support mothers and families during...

Coronavirus: impact of lockdown on girls

Girlguiding UK has released new research looking at how girls and young women aged 4-18 in the UK are coping during the latest national lockdown and with the changes that have occurred in their lives over the past year. Findings from a survey of 1,900 members include:...

Coronavirus: schools reopening

The Scottish Government has published guidance on arrangements for the phased reopening of schools from 22 February 2021. The Welsh Government has announced that children aged three to seven will begin returning to schools in a phased way from 22 February. The...