Adoption and Special Guardianship Leadership Board to close this month

DfE says it is considering the best structures to deliver on the recommendations of the care review, which called for greater focus on kinship carers not covered by board’s remit.

The Adoption and Special Guardianship Leadership Board (ASGLB) will close this month, the Department for Education has confirmed.

The DfE said it was considering the creation of new structures to deliver on the recommendations of the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care, including its focus on kinship carers not covered by the ASGLB’s remit.

The government set up the then Adoption Leadership Board in 2014, bringing together senior figures from local authorities, charities and the sector, to provide leadership and drive improvements, in line with ministers’ objective of increasing adoption numbers. It was renamed the Adoption and Special Guardianship Leadership Board in 2018, as its remit was widened to special guardianship arrangements for children formerly in care.

The board’s role has included publishing quarterly data, covering metrics such as the numbers of placement, adoption and special guardianship orders (SGOs) granted, and the number of children with a placement order – and the number of prospective adoptive families – waiting to be matched.


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