It also shows that those applying to foster tend to be in the ‘over 50’ age range, so there is much to do to encourage and support younger adults to open themselves to the possibility and rewards of fostering. The sector has known for quite some time that one of the greatest difficulties it faces is how to ensure future recruitment and retention of sufficient, high-quality foster families and the need to be more innovative and creative in attracting potential applicants is essential.
The statistics show that almost a fifth of all foster carers are connected persons (family and friends) foster carers who are usually only approved to care for specific children.
FosterTalk understands the fostering landscape and how the demographic of fostering is changing, (SGO/Kinship/connected person carers) and we provide a service to ensure these carers have the required support, training, and advice to care safely and with confidence for children, safeguard themselves against allegations and empower them to meet the needs of vulnerable children through training and resources.
“FosterTalk provides a service to ensure carers have the required support, training and advice to care safely and with confidence”Children and young people in need of foster care need to be provided with a foster family who can understand them and help them to recover, rebuild, develop lasting and loving relationships and shine, whilst helping them to cope with the confusing and challenging experiences that being ‘in care’ will present them with.