Care review comment from FosterTalk

FosterTalk always welcome initiatives that bring the spotlight back to Children who are looked after in Foster Care, including Kinship care, who are some of the most vulnerable Children in the Country. It is important that the focus remains on how we can all contribute in such a way that increases their chances of positive outcomes and encourages their talents, abilities, and potential to shine through. 


The ‘Stable Homes Built on Love’ implementation strategy and consultation sets out the ambition to enable care; love and stability to be at the heart of the Child’s experience. All Children are deserving of these 3 core elements that are key contributing factors which enable Children to meet their full potential, and it should be applauded that the Government is raising the profile of these key needs within this strategy. 


Understanding; respecting and acting upon the lived experience of Foster Carers, whether ‘mainstream’ (not related to the child) or ‘Kinship/Connected’ (related to or have a pre-existing relationship with the child) is absolutely crucial in making any strategy relating to children who are looked after work in practice. 

FosterTalk are engaging with a representative group of Foster Carers and other professionals associated with Fostering through the FosterTalk Advisory Committee: this important group will be examining the proposals within the ‘Stable Homes Built on Love’ strategy in relation to key areas including recruitment and retention; training and support and allegations against Foster Carers. 


FosterTalk are looking forward to capturing and sharing the Advisory Committees’ views and suggestions which are based upon lived experience of the tremendously important role all Foster Carers play in the lives of children who rely on them and associated professionals to identify and meet their needs. A clear and evidence-based implementation plan with sufficient financial investment built in is key to the successful roll out of any strategy. When the stakes are so high for Foster Carers and for the children they look after it is essential that their voices are heard and acted upon. FosterTalk remains determined to ensure this happens. 

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