A report presenting the findings of a research study exploring the opportunities and barriers surrounding inclusivity of, and accessibility for, Disabled people wishing to become foster carers has been published. The project is part of a DRILL (Disability Research on Independent Living and Learning) initiative, funded by the Big Lottery, and led by the University of Worcester in collaboration with Shaping Our Lives Service User and Disabled People’s Network (a Disabled People’s Organisation) and the Foster Care Co-operative. The report, ‘Mutual Benefits: The Potential of Disabled People as Foster Carers’, concludes that large-scale culture change is needed if Disabled people are to be given genuine equality of opportunity in the foster care sector, but there is potential for the recruitment of thousands of Disabled people as foster carers, which could help relieve the long-standing recruitment crisis.
Disabled People as Foster Carers: Opportunities and Barriers
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