Children and Young People: DfE Survey on the Impact of the Coronavirus
Outbreak, Waves 1-8 – England
The Department for Education (DfE) has published an updated report on its fortnightly survey of local authorities which examines the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak on children’s social care. The new report presents the findings from responses collected in waves 1-8 of the survey ((20 April to 23 August 2020). Findings include:
- The majority of children looked after (CLA), children on a child protection plan (CPP) and other children in need (CIN) have had their cases reviewed in light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak (95%, 96% and 86% respectively).
- The proportion of social workers not working due to COVID-19 has reduced over the time period
- Around four in five local authorities have reported a rise in weekly foster and residential placements costs due to COVID-19
- The total number of referrals during Wave 8 was 12% higher than the usual number of referrals in the same period over the past three years
- The total number of referrals reported in Waves 1 to 8 of the survey was 82,940, this is around 15% lower than the same period over the past three years.
- The total number of children who have started to be looked after reported in Waves 1 to 8 of the survey was 3,460. This is around 33% lower than the same period over the past three years.
Further details and a link to the report can be found here >